Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life is Full of Delightful Little Surprises...

the wandering herbalist finally wandered to boulder (i.e. mecca) last weekend.  i have many fond memories of boulder, as i did my yoga teacher training with the incomparable ashtanga master, richard freeman.  basically, the only time i go to boulder is to do yoga or meditate!  this time, though, i was visiting a friend, and it was all about restaurants, bars and theater.  a different type of meditation, i guess... life is all about balance, right?!

my host, bud carson, is a friend who is also a wanderer (and sometimes san francisco cab driver) and he's staying in boulder for an undetermined amount of time.  he's renting a place in a cute little neighborhood that butts up to the hills, but is still a three-minute drive to the pearl street mall.  oh, the benefits of living in a tiny town!  anyway, my pal is very aware of my herbal life, and couldn't wait to show me the contents of the medicine cabinet in his apartment.  wha'?  huh?  he sublets from a guy, so i have to say that my initial reaction was "why do you want to show me his 'old spice'?  why do i care?"... and THEN... he opened the cabinet door... and... (*cue angels singing from the universe*)  wowwww!!!

tinctures and flower remedies and essential oils, OH MY! cayenne!  clove bud!  and yarrow? yarrow?  who knows about yarrow?!  in essential oil form, it's great as an anti-inflammatory (and more), but it's amazing metaphysically to support dreams and visions.  LOVE IT!  i have to say, though, that the best part was that he had my favorite eo of all time- rose geranium.  aaaahhhhh.  home sweet home.  ;)  fortunately, i had the pleasure of meeting the owner of all these treasures, and as it turned out, he had studied to be an herbalist.  duh!  of course! he actually went to the same school as tonja, the owner of moondance.  again... of course!  he even studied with susun weed, my hero!  *sigh*  oh, boulder...  how i sometimes love ya'...  

**check out my wandering friend's book at  it's a very entertaining- and pretty saucy- read...**

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